Day 8 - Three things you want to say to different people
Wow this is hard . I have soooooo much to say to people but I can't . So maybe I'll just share positive things that I want to tell them but I shy . hopefully they won't read my blog . ihiks
I want to say I love you to my parents . and sorry for all my wrong. funny enough I never tell them . kah ! I'm the most awkward daughter everrrrrr ~~
I want to tell my friends thanks for still being friend with me . I know most of the time I'm annoying as fuck and always hit you guys physically or mentally with all those sarcastic words that will go like peh makan dalam sentap gila nak mati . But you guys still keeping me around . walaupun aku selalu cakap korang buruk dan benci korang actually korang semua cantik and comel dan aku insecure sebab aku je sorang yang buruk . dan aku sayang korang *emoticon monyet tutup mata*
To Abang Po,
beli je lah cepat phone Xperia Z2 tu ! jangan fikir lama lama sangat . dah setahun dok survey survey . aku pulak yang penat tengok haishhh . kalau tak nak beli bak sini duit tu bagi saya beli camera instax mini ke nike roshe ke apa lagi bagus . hahaha
awwww... no. 1 & 2 tu.. sama lahhh.. awkward nyaaa... aduhai.. hehhe