
Aku sejenis manusia yang tak suka suasana sunyi. i like to play songs all the times when i'm alone, atau lepak dekat tempat yang ada orang. kalau dekat kolej, since bilik aku dekat dengan highway aku suka buka pintu so that aku dapat dengar bunyi kereta lalu, dan bunyi burung petang petang, or bunyi cengkerik malam malam. I don't know, but noises make me feels alive. buat aku sedar yang aku hidup dalam dunia yang wujudnya hidupan lain jugak. kalau dalam sehari aku tak bercakap dengan orang and duduk dalam bilik je, aku automatik akan rasa mati. aku akan jadi takde mood and just baring je atas katil for the whole day. So I guess, i prefer to have company. not company syarikat tu, tapi someone.

but when it comes to the company preferences, it is kinda tough to find the perfect person. aku ada ramai kawan, tapi tak semua aku rasa selesa nak lepak dengan diorang. cuma ada beberapa orang je yang aku betul betul rasa selesa. some people prefers to sit and talk. maybe about themselves, or about other people, or just about the universe. well, aku prefer just diam je. and buat kerja sendiri. now this is the tricky part. sebab selalunya bila dua dua diam, mesti akan rasa awkward. that's why only certain people je yang aku boleh rasa selesa lepak sesama. sebab benda ni hanya akan terjadi if and only if orang tu pun fikir macam mana aku fikir. selalunya 'lepak' aku akan berakhir dengan aku dengar cerita the other person. dari awal sampai habis lepak. well, if only that person keep telling stories and i just listen, then I'll know that dia bukan my 'type-of-company'.

I prefer long walks, sitting next to each other, eating, listening to songs, window shopping, watching movies, or scenery together... all that with not much talking. just enjoying each other's company. and when I'm sad or feeling down aku suka kalau someone datang dekat aku, just pat my head or hug me then just sit by my side. you dont have to console me or ask anything. sebab aku jenis yang kalau aku rasa nak cerita baru aku akan cerita. and kalau aku gaduh dengan someone aku prefer kalau orang tu just tinggalkan note cakap dia minta maaf. preferably with some chocolate, or maybe a burger. hahaha . aku harap nanti kalau aku kahwin bila bergaduh dengan husband, bila nak baik baik balik he'll just come and hug me. because i hate sitting down and having a serious conversation, explaining yourselves and stuff... since i'm not good with words.

and why tetiba aku membebel panjang panjang kat blog ni pasal company? sebab these few days, or maybe weeks I kind of feel sad. for some reasons and for no reason. and I don't have someone to lepak with to make me feels better. well I do have friends here and they are always willing to hear me ranting about life. but I just don't know nak mengadu apa and they can do nothing pun. So all I need right now is just someone tetiba datang and duduk sebelah aku sampai aku rasa ok. or maybe datang bawa caramel frappucino. that's better. that's all I need. asap. coz gosh my chest feels so much in pain right now. i don't know if it's because I constantly feeling sad and trying not to cry, or I just have something wrong with organs in my chest.

gambar sekadar hiasan :P


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