Little Back To Uni Haul

Since there're just a few days left (only a day from this moment to be exact) for me to drag myself back to uni, it is the time for some exciting activities. 


shopping is never boring. tak kisah lah shopping apa pun. hihi. but being a nerd, stationary shopping adalah salah satu nikmat dunia bagi aku. aku could spend hoursssss just pilih nak pen yang mana satu, nak beli file yang mana satu and stuff. But hari ni aku cuma mampu beli sikit je barang sebab ayah cuma bagi RM50 and believe it or not, total semua barang ni over RM50. like whattttt?? I just bought files, A4 papers, a stapler, highlighters and pens kot. so aku terpaksa tahan diri dari beli sticky notes comel, paper clips comel, buku nota comel, pencil case comel dan segala macam lagi benda comel yang aku tak perlukan tapi aku nakkkkkk T_T

 I know I don't need this. and I won't be using all the colours but.... I just have to buy it. hehe
 highlighters adalah benda WAJIB beli. aku pakai benda ni macam gila. cepat betul kering. sebab highlighting skills aku memang teruk. setiap patah perkataan aku highlight hahaha.

A mini stapler. which I really hope will get its job done. sebab stappler lama aku hampeh gila nak stapler tebal sikit je langsung tak boleh. harap besar je. 

And filessssss. Tahun ni aku decide untuk beli one for each subject. sebab tahun lepas aku cuba untuk beli file yang ada section kat dalam tu, and binder. tapi me being me, lama lama aku sumbat je semua benda kat satu tempat dan malam before exam lah aku baru terhegeh hegeh nak susun segala mak nenek dalam file tu ikut subject. time tu semua dah bercampur aduk.

last but not least, seketul jam Daniel Wellington cap pasar malam (of course, iolls tak mampu yuh. tskkk) yang aku beli last week.

I did buy other stuffs for college room like bin, hangers, cloth clips and stuff and they are not that cute so........


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